Choosing the Right Pregnancy Care as an Autistic Woman

When I was younger I was so prone to meltdowns at the doctor's office that during a calm visit the nurse told my mother, "her angel's halo is being held on by her devil's horns." Like many ...
When I was younger I was so prone to meltdowns at the doctor's office that during a calm visit the nurse told my mother, "her angel's halo is being held on by her devil's horns." Like many ...
Pregnancy is amazing, but it can also be overwhelming for autistic moms. Increased sensory sensitivities, self-care and pregnancy diet, managing appointments, and handling social and emotional ...
Life as an autistic pregnant woman brings a unique set of challenges. The pressures of maintaining daily habits, managing stress, and keeping up with everything needed for a healthy pregnancy ...
The bad news: being a pregnant autistic woman can feel overwhelming and unintuitive. The good news: having a healthy baby is an evidence-based practice.There's lots of research on how to have a ...
Curious about fetal movement? Wondering about the kicks, rolls, and rhythmic jerks you feel from your baby? I’ll help you understand all types of movements and what to expect with them!Fetal ...
The last thing you want during childbirth is to have someone’s fingers poking inside you! Here’s how to track labor without a vaginal exam:#1 – Watch the Red (and Purple) LineMidwife Anne Frye says ...
Today is my sixth baby’s birthday! Here are six things that led to his gentle, painless birthing:#1 – I Embraced My PowerLabor and birth are POWERFUL……and those strong contractions are YOUR power. ...
Not sure if you want an epidural or not? Here are some evidence-based downsides to weigh:1 – Posterior BabiesEvidence shows that more babies are posterior when moms have epidurals. That leads to ...
Most women go through pregnancy hoping they don’t develop a complication. After all, doctors make it sound like it’s just bad luck – they may need to step in and save you!Here’s the truth:OBs are ...
I'm a big fan of the 80/20 rule for work, household projects, and even cleaning……but it does NOT work for parenting.This New Year's, I asked myself, “What would make the biggest difference for ...